Saturday, 14 April 2012

Quick talk about Boris Groys.
'Self Design and Aesthetic Responsibility'

Boris Groys talks about the idea that the people are only interested in the artist. Therefore raising the question, does the artist just produce what the public want to see? The idea that a description isn't enough they need to know and recognise the artists name.
So what does this mean for up and coming contemporary artists? Does this mean we have to almost sugar coat our ideas and pieces to please the public? Do we then have to realise what the public want and then make that our practice?

The idea of Celeb vs. Artist - the role of the media. The mass media is like a massive artist manipulating the public into what is good and what is bad. Therefore artists that are talked about within the media are the only ones that are known. These types of artists are working toward what the public 'expects' to see for example the work will never go past the aesthetics.

If Artists use cultural debate and Social Politics they indeed grab the attention of the mass media as they are creating a political statement.

Another example is Banksy, he as a graffiti artist is considered to be breaking the law. However everyone knows of him because of his bold statements with aesthetically pleasing images plastered onto the sides of buildings etc. Supporting the idea that any press is good press.

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